$35.00 Regular price

SOCIETY 315 Donor Box


Welcome to SOCIETY 315! 
As a recurring monthly donor, you are eligible to receive an exclusive box filled with free SOCIETY 315 merchandise. It is our hope that you will proudly wear and share the mission of SOCIETY 315 with the people in your life! This box comes at no cost to you, please enter the one time offer code you received at checkout to bring your balance to $0. 
Each box comes equipped with the following: 
  • T-shirt (be sure to choose your size from the drop down menu on this page and see the sizing chart image!) 
  • Car magnet
  • Postcard with a special message and ongoing discounts for you on our main Catholic Answers shop page (shop.catholic.com)
Our friends at Paradigm (the website you're currently on right now) have collaborated with us to develop these exclusive boxes JUST for you! We have meticulously partnered with them on each level of this project -- they are responsible for the incredible branding and design work as well as the fulfillment and shipping of your donor boxes. 
Please note: you will receive your Donor Box 4-6 weeks after placing your order. You will receive shipping updates directly from Paradigm. If you have customer service questions, please reach out to Catholic Answers at customerservice@catholic.com. 

From all of us at Catholic Answers, thank you for supporting our mission with your generous donation! 


**Items will ship in 4-6 weeks**


Your Catholic Answers Team 

"But in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence." (1 Peter 3:15)

SOCIETY 315 Donor Box
SOCIETY 315 Donor Box
SOCIETY 315 Donor Box
SOCIETY 315 Donor Box